Hello, today I Will Talk about my experiencia learning elisio in the university... personally when i was in the school I did not suffer too much because it cost me less, When I enter middle school started a kind of loss of my level of my English. When I entered to the University I discovered that my English level was bad... about bloggs, sometimes write a bloggs I find it fun, although there are topics that I did not like and it was hard for me to write. The aspects that are difficult for me, more than the vocabulary is to speak in past and future. But with practice I think I can improve it, I currently see more movies with original language (English), In addition to playing the games I buy in the original language, forcing me to search for words that I do not understand. The knowledge that I have acquired, I have used to increase my library of games (jejej) Now I play things without translations. Also, I can now learn to modify computer plugins with tutorials in English b...
Hello everyone today I will talk about the changes that the programmes we need. About the curriculum I think the EGGP needs more programs to leveling all the students in mathematics areas and the technologies areas (Excel, stata), in the firs case. Actually there are leveling programs but for small groups. And, in the second case I think the approach in programs specifics like a excel because it is not something that is compulsorily learned in school About the some courses... I think some courses are very repetitive...They are the copy of previous courses, although it can be due to the approaches of each teacher. I think the schedules are not efficient, and this are one of the thinks that I hate of this career. Any place is better than the previous, actually we have a green area... but is a small. In the other hand, the structure I feel that the structure is fine, but it could be better, considering that the number of students will increase, and the number of rooms is a problem....